I created the above image using Pic Monkey’s free photo editing website. Check them out here.)
“He’s talking to me!”
You’d expect the above sentence to be about a child finally opening up. After all, as foster parents or adoptive parents we often have closed off children.
Nope, not even close.
It was a fight.
Between siblings.
In the backseat.
So why am I thankful? Why the celebration?
Because it was normal, oh so normal!
Finally, some sibling rivalry that was healthy.
They weren’t fighting for resources, my attention, or throwing each other off semi-trucks (Okay, so the last one is exaggerated – but you know they would if they could!).
This was normal, run of the mill, childishly irrational squabbling.
And I was thankful, oh SO THANKFUL for it!
What are you celebrating today? Share with us in the comments. Let us celebrate with you!
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